Thursday 28 August 2014

Low Fat Creamy Mushroom Pasta

I had to wear a fur gilet inside today in August because it was that cold- lovely British summer as per usual. This called for the kind of food that would suit my wintry attire so I came up with a comfort food recipe that goes easy on the fat. It's going to see me through the winter in my ice cube of a student house and also ticks all the other student-friendly boxes: takes 10 minutes to cook, uses cheap ingredients and even better, saves a few calories for alcohol. Win win.

Low Fat Creamy Mushroom Pasta

Ingredients: (Serves 1)

  • 7-8 chestnut mushrooms
  • 1/2 courgette 
  • 10g olive spread
  • 75g pasta (go for wholewheat if you're feeling extra virtuous- I wasn't) 
  • 1 1/2 tbsp low fat crème fraîche
  • 35g Philadelphia light 
  • 5 tsp grated parmesan 
  • squeeze of lemon
  • Salt and pepper, to season 


  • Cut the courgette into small 1.5cm chunks. Pull the stalks out of the mushrooms and cut into thin strips. 
  • Put the pasta onto boil according to the packet instructions. Usually it takes about 10 minutes. 
  • Once the pasta is on place the courgette, mushrooms and butter into a frying pan and fry on a medium heat for about 6-7 minutes, until fully cooked. The courgette and mushrooms should be soft and squidgy to touch. Once cooked take off the heat, drain any excess liquid that may have been released, and put to the side.
  • Once the pasta is cooked, drain then put back into the saucepan. Add the cooked vegetables to the pan then put back on a low heat. Stir in all the remaining ingredients, constantly stirring as you cook. Cook until the sauce has fully melted and combined. Note, the lemon can be overpowering so you literally only need a tiny little squeeze. 
  • Serve with a rocket side salad. 

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