About Us

Feeding Issy is run by both myself, Issy Hamilton, and my twin sister Sophie Hamilton. All photographs on this blog are the work of Sophie Hamilton and are her intellectual property.

We were inspired to create this blog after Sophie was diagnosed with a medical condition meaning she can only eat foods that are low in histamine which severely curtails the foods she can eat. The list of banned foods is over a foot long and contains many diet staples like bread, bacon and virtually every fruit available. Any additives or preservatives are also out. Having looked online for recipe inspiration we were disappointed with what we found- a lot of recipes claiming to be low histamine actually contained some of the listed foodstuffs. So, we decided to take matters into our own hands and launch this blog! 

The blog also focuses on quick and healthy student-style dishes - this is my influence. Having done two years at University already I know how difficult it is to stay eating well when you're probably hungover and craving pizza, cramming sandwiches into your face at 2am trying to hit that deadline or stuck in a pasta and cheese rut having flown the nest and therefore mummy's cooking. 

One thing we would like to make clear is that neither Sophie and I are pretending to be chefs. She works with horses and I'm a law student. Our recipes are all about uncomplicated foods that people living everyday lives can easily make and enjoy, and all that we've made at some point ourselves and very much enjoyed. Every recipe on this blog is also subjected to the family taste panel, so only the best makes it on here!

Note: the photographs are all quick i-phone snaps before we gobble down the food so don't judge the poorish quality!


  1. Your mom sent me here.....you just may have saved my life!!!

  2. Glad you like it! We've got many more great recipes in the pipeline! Let us know if there's anything you particularly want to see :)
