Thursday 23 October 2014

Low Histamine Stuffed Peppers

The problem with cooking for one is that I always end up throwing away fresh veg. It sits in the back of my fridge, hidden behind a tub of yoghurt, and festers for a good week before I remember that I actually need to use it up. This problem is compounded by the inability of Lidl to stock anything other than bulk-buy goods. You want one red pepper? Better buy a bag of 3 that gives you a bonus yellow and green pepper that you neither need or want. Everyone knows red peppers are the tastiest ones! So this recipe has been born from my efforts to use up all my peppers in order to make space in my fridge for the kilogram bag of carrots and pack of 5 sweet potatoes I just bought.

Low Histamine Stuffed Peppers 

Ingredients: (Serves 1)

  • 5 heaped tbsp pre-cooked red pepper sauce (click here for recipe)  
  • 4 heaped tbsp of any pre-cooked roasted vegetables (courgette, red onion, carrot, pepper, leek, butternut squash- the more the better!) 
  • 2 heaped tbsp frozen sweetcorn 
  • 1 red pepper
  • 1/3 ball of mozzarella 
  • 3/4 tsp black pepper
  • 1 tsp mixed italian herbs (contains basil, thyme, marjoram and oregano)
  • Pinch of salt


  • Pre-heat the oven to 200 degrees celsius. 
  • Put the pre-cooked roasted vegetables, frozen sweetcorn and pre-cooked red pepper sauce into a pan. If you are using red pepper sauce that has been frozen be sure to defrost it fully first. Add in all the herbs and spices then stir together and cook for at least 10 minutes on a low heat on the hob. 
  • Meanwhile prepare the pepper by chopping the top of the pepper off and scooping out the insides with a knife. Make sure that all the seeds have been got rid of and all the white bits have been sliced off. 
  • Once the sauce has been cooked, spoon the sauce into the pepper. You may have some sauce left over however this is better than overfilling the pepper. Place on a flat baking tray, or if the pepper is unable to stand freely, in an oven dish with the sides supporting the pepper. Bake for 10 minutes.
  • Whilst the pepper is cooking remove the mozzarella from its packaging and slice the mozzarella cheese into thin chunks. Once the pepper has been removed from the oven, place the mozzarella over the top of the pepper as shown in the picture above and cook for a further 10 minutes, or until the cheese is sufficiently melted. 

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