Friday 10 October 2014

Creamy Chorizo Dish

A friend of mine came out with a great student quote over the summer: "whatever you cook for dinner, add chorizo to it and it's instantly nice." I wholeheartedly agree. Buy a packet of Lidl tomato risotto, boil it up, have a mouthful and experience the inevitable sense of dissapointment that it neither looks or tastes like it says on the packet. But then, add in some chorizo and boom! You have an edible and, dare I say it, even tasty meal.
On another note, when it gets to this kind of wintry weather I always find myself wanting food that can give you a metaphorical food hug to ease the pain of a freezing uni house. Dishes that top the list are always creamy carb-fests, so I decided to come up with a recipe that has the same creamy characteristics but less of the calories. All I have to say is that low fat crème fraîche is a god send.

Creamy Chorizo Dish

Ingredients (Serves 2)

  • 1 leek
  • Knob of butter
  • 1/2 chorizo ring 
  • 4 tbsp low fat crème fraîche
  • 1 large handful of grated parmesan 
  • 2 servings of basmati rice (follow packet instructions) 
  • Salt and Pepper


  • Wash the leek then chop off both ends. Slice in half and then again into quarters so you have four long strips. Then finely chop. Chop up the chorizo into slices about 1/2 cm thick.
  • Put a frying pan on a low heat and melt the butter. Sautee the leek for 10 minutes, stirring every couple of minutes to prevent it sticking to the bottom.
  • Add the chorizo and cook for another 5 minutes. Add the crème fraîche and parmesan then lots of salt and pepper for flavour. I find you have to add more pepper than you think you need, but do it to your taste. Keep the sauce on a simmering heat, stirring every few minutes to prevent the bottom of the sauce from burning. 
  • Cook the rice to packet instructions. Usually this will require boiling the rice in a pan of boiling water for about 10 minutes. Drain the rice and pour over some boiling water to get rid of all the starch.
  • Serve up. 

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