Thursday 2 October 2014

Pink Juice

It's October which means it's perfectly legitimate to make garish coloured juices under the guise of Hallowe'en themed foodstuffs. In student land, Hallowe'en means one thing: endless fancy dress all-nighters. I can guarantee that after that you're going to be spending a good couple of days in bed surrounded by tissues, netflix and potentially even a bucket (or if you're anything like my housemates the only large cooking pot in the house- chilli con carne is out for a few weeks at least!) You get the idea. Anyway, this year why not combat the onslaught with something more than paracetamol. Our Pink Juice is full of illness-busting nutrients and gets most of your 5-a-day down all in one go. Even better it won't break the bank when you've spent all your money on vodka: it's only a few ingredients that are worth pennies in Lidl!

Ingredients: (Serves 1)

  • 2 apples
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 beetroot
  • 1 inch length of cucumber (optional but makes taste even more refreshing) 
NB: you will need a juicer


  • Wash all the vegetables and fruit under the tap. Chop the ends off the carrots and place everything into the juicer. There is no need to cut the top off the beetroot. 
  • JUICE! Juice until there are no bits.
  • Pour into a glass with ice. 

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