Friday 8 August 2014

Super Berry Smoothie

Feeling tired every morning? Need a sugary snack as soon as it gets to 11am? Well you obviously haven't tried the super berry smoothie! This originally started out as a diet breakfast but has evolved into a daily smoothie ritual. Great for breakfast, a mid-afternoon snack or even a nice soothing drink before bed. But don't be fooled. This isn't your average find-all-the-fruit-in-the-fridge-and-blitz-its-up. Oh no. This has got two extra ingredients set to boost your energy levels throughout the day: chia seeds and maca powder (available from health food stores and some supermarkets)

Super Berry Smoothie 

Ingredients: (Serves 1) 

  • 2 handfuls of blueberries
  • 2 handfuls of raspberries
  • 1 handful of strawberries (optional) 
  • 4 tbsp of natural yoghurt (I use Yeo Valley) 
  • 1 tsp chia seeds
  • 1 tsp maca powder 
  • 1/4 cup of ice 
  • you will need a blender! 


  • Chop the tops off the strawberries then throw all of the fruit into the blender. 
  • Add in the yoghurt, chia seeds and maca powder.
  • Fill glass with the ice then add into the blender.
  • BLITZ until the fruit is broken down completely and you have a smooth drink.


  • Chia seeds are THE new health food of the moment- full of fibre, antioxidants and great to throw on anything for a bit of added crunch - definitely worth the slight investment 
  • Maca powder is rich in vitamins B C and E and is known for increasing energy levels. After about 3 days of smoothies in a row (as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle) you should see a change to your energy. 

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