Tuesday 12 August 2014

Cous Cous and Roasted Vegetables

For anyone trying to diet cous cous is a tasty alternative to rice or pasta and surprisingly filling for such a tiny grain. It also takes no time at all to cook and can be added to a huge variety of ingredients to liven up side salads and main meals. 

Cous Cous and Roasted Vegetables

Ingredients: (serves 1)

  • 100g cous cous
  • 2 carrots
  • 1/2 courgette
  • 1/2 leek
  • 1 red onion 
  • 1 red pepper 
  • 1 tbsp olive oil


For the roasted vegetables:
  • Pre-heat oven to 200 degrees Celsius.
  • Chop up the carrots, courgette and pepper into 1/2 cm chunks.
  • Dice the onion then cut the leek into quarters to form four long strips. Chop along the strips at 1cm intervals. It may look like you have a lot of veg but it shrinks down a lot. 
  • Place all the vegetables into a mixing bowl then add the olive oil. Stir until the vegetables are coated then place on a baking tray and roast for 30 minutes. (Note: I'd keep a close eye on the vegetables after about 25 minutes- they can burn very easily) 
For the cous cous:
  • Place the cous cous into a saucepan. Boil the kettle then measure out 250ml of water and pour into the saucepan on a medium heat. Constantly stir the cous cous for 5 minutes adding extra tablespoon's of water if it starts to dry out. The constant stirring is key- otherwise it will just stick to the bottom. 
  • After 5 minutes all the water should have absorbed and the cous cous will be cooked. If you have added too much water by accident just drain the cous cous in a sieve. 
  • Serve and spoon the roasted vegetables over the top.


  • For a bit more flavour when stirring in the oil add 2 tsps of garlic granules, 1 tsp of chilli granules and a sprinkling of pepper to the chopped vegetables.
  • I tend to make huge batches of roasted vegetables then stir in 2 tablespoons of tomato puree once cooked, using the mixture as a filling for wraps and pitta breads with a bit of lettuce and goats cheese or extra mature cheddar. 

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