Tuesday 26 August 2014

Green Eggs and Ham

When my sister and I were little some of our favourite bed time story books were the Dr Seuss books, and the best one was always green eggs and ham. Although I was disheartened to learn upon growing into an adult that no, green eggs do not in fact exist, I feel this recipe comes close enough. It's also looks a tad more appetizing than the illustrations in the book...

Green Eggs and Ham

Ingredients: (serves 2)

  • 160g tender-stem broccoli 
  • 100g finely chopped leek
  • 100g diced courgette 
  • 1/2 pack of spinach
  • 30g honey roast ham 
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 tbsp crème fraîche
  • 1 1/2 tbsp grated parmesan
  • Salt and pepper, to season 


  • Pre-heat the grill so it is on a high heat. Finely chop the leek and dice the courgette. 
  • Boil some water and in the meantime place a large frying pan on a medium heat with a few sprays of cooking oil. Once the water is boiled add to a separate saucepan with a steamer on top and steam the broccoli for 6-7 minutes. At the same time gently fry the leek and courgette for 5 minutes. 
  • Once the courgette has begun to soften add in the spinach and cook until wilted. The spinach really breaks down a lot so its usually a question of throwing in a load of spinach, seeing how much volume there is left once its been wilted, and throw in more if necessary. 
  • Add the cooked broccoli and the ham to the frying pan followed by the crème fraîche and parmesan. Stir everything until covered with what should be by now a melting creamy sauce and season with salt and pepper. 
  • Crack in the eggs - try and make a slightly flat space to crack them into. Cook the eggs until they are 3/4 cooked then finish off for a few minutes by placing the frying pan under the grill until the eggs are completely cooked. 

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