Monday 25 August 2014

The Best Baked Courgettes

It's always hard to eat healthily on a rainy day. It's tipping it down outside and all you want to do is snuggle up on the sofa with a hot drink and bowl of steaming stodge. However these baked courgettes are a great way to get that warm fuzzy feeling inside without the subsequent calorie-induced guilt! This recipe uses the red pepper sauce recipe: see the link at the bottom of the page.

The Best Baked Courgettes

Ingredients: (Serves 1)

  • 1 courgette 
  • 6 tbsp pre-made red pepper sauce
  • 1 handful of grated mozzarella 


  • Pre-heat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius and spray a baking tray with cooking oil spray. 
  • Top and tail the courgette and slice in half lengthways. Carve out the middle part of each half to get rid of the seeds.
  • Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes. During the last 5 minutes  heat the red pepper sauce in the microwave on a high setting for 4-5 minutes, until piping hot throughout.
  • Take out the courgette and spoon half of the sauce over each courgette half. Sprinkle on as much mozzarella as you fancy then stick under the grill for a few of minutes until the cheese has all melted. 

Click here for the recipe for the Red Pepper Sauce

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