Sunday 24 August 2014

Low Histamine Brown Sugar Biscuits

The twin's first reaction to being told she had to go on a low histamine diet was "but what sweet stuff can I eat?!" As a person with a very sweet tooth this would also be my instant thoughts! As a result we have now developed this tasty biscuit recipe that is so unbelievably simple and very quick to make- which is good because she lives on these now and we make at least a batch a week!

Low Histamine Brown Sugar Biscuits


  • 6 oz olive spread
  • 6 oz soft light brown sugar
  • 7.5 oz plain flour, plus extra for rolling out the dough 


  • Pre-heat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius and line a large baking tray with baking paper. 
  • Weigh out all the ingredients. Cream together the butter and sugar in an electric mixture until a golden brown colour.
  • Sieve the flour then mix into the mixture gradually until you have a dough. You should be able to pick the dough up straight out of the mixing bowl- if not then add some more flour. 
  • Place the dough onto a floured board and dust a rolling pin with flour before rolling out the dough. The dough should have a thickness of about half a centimetre.
  • Go wild with cookie cutters! Keep re-rolling out the dough to get as many biscuits as you can out of it. 
  • Bake in the oven for 10 minutes until a very light brown colour. The biscuits will be very soft to touch when they come out of the oven. Leave to cool. 

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