Thursday 11 September 2014

Taste of Korea

Being the master of persuasion that I am, when I found out that my Dad was able to get his mitts on VIP tickets to the Taste of London event back in June, I began a small-scale campaign to get him to take me. After a bit of email harassment the operation was accomplished. For the uninitiated, Taste of London is a pure foodie festival. It consists of row after row of street-market style stalls, well known food brands, and pop-up 'restaurant' stalls serving up a miniature tasting portion of their signature dishes. Not to mention the champagne tasting bars and cider stalls which rather took my fancy..
Anyway, the best part of the event is the fact that there are tasters on offer about every 5 paces- go with a VERY empty stomach! One of the dishes I sampled consisted of several meats marinaded in a delicious Korean sauce, pictured below. It's a soy sauce based marinade packing extra Asian punch and the added spiciness of chili seeds. Unfortunately I have no idea what the name of the stall selling it was, so it seems I will only ever be left to enjoy the sole bottle I purchased. The marinade can be used on a whole range of meats, but I served it up with pork loin steaks, butternut squash chips and long-stem broccoli. Ideally the meat should be left to marinade for a good 24 hours but if you're lacking time 5-6 hours is sufficient for the meat to absorb the flavours.

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