Thursday 18 September 2014

Low Histamine Steak Quesadilla

You would think that not being able to eat tomatoes and virtually every spice on the planet would mean that mexican food is totally off the menu. It seems the very core of mexican food is these aforementioned ingredients. Whilst chilli con carne and spicy chicken fajitas might be off limits, steak quesadillas most certainly aren't (although inevitably without the accompanying spice levels- those who aren't low histamine feel free to go spice mad!). Even better, its one of the few low histamine dishes that doesn't take forever to prepare; you can whip it up in an x-factor ad break. Perfect.

Low Histamine Steak Quesadilla

Ingredients: (Serves 1)

  • 1 fillet steak
  • 2 handfuls of grated mozzarella cheese (you can also use a ball of mozzarella if you wish)
  • 2 tortilla wraps
  • Pepper, to flavour 
  • Cooking oil spray


  • Spray a pan with cooking oil spray and heat on a high heat.Chop the steak up into thin strips and season with pepper.
  •  Fry in the pan for a couple of minutes until it is cooked to your taste, adding the cheese on top to melt for the last minute. Scrape up any crispy burnt bits- they have a great flavour!
  • Tip onto a nearby plate, then spray with more oil. Place the first tortilla in the pan, add the filling back in then place the other tortilla on top. Use a spatula to try and pinch the bottom of the top tortilla onto the bottom tortilla to try and seal the quesadilla. Once the bottom tortilla has browned (this will only take a few seconds) use a spatula to flip over the quesadilla and cook the other side. Cook until browned then serve.

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