Monday 15 September 2014

Peanut Butter Breakfast Muffins

My name is Issy Hamilton and I'm a peanut butter addict. Ask any of my housemates from last year and they would inform you that every night at about 10pm feet would patter down the stairs, the cutlery drawer would be pulled open, the lid would pop off a large jar...and in I'd dive with my giant spoon for my bedtime snack! I justified it because my housemate told me she had read an article saying peanut butter before bed speeds up your metabolism. That's all the proof I need for an excuse to eat more of it.
These little muffins have a kind of spongy, scone-type feel and are a nice little sweet treat in the mornings. Be warned, there is a fine line when it comes to under cooking these as they are supposed to be quite moist.

Peanut Butter Breakfast Muffins

Ingredients: (makes 5-6) 

  • 8 flat tbsp self-raising flour 
  • 4 heaped tsp olive spread
  • 4 tsp demerara sugar 
  • 4 small tbsp maple syrup 
  • 3 tsp of peanut butter
  • Splash of milk, for the finish 
  • Sprinkling of chopped peanuts for the top 


  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Put the flour, olive spread, sugar and maple syrup into a mixing bowl. Use your hands to mix everything together into a dough. 
  • Add in the peanut butter and knead it through. If the mixture feels very wet at this point then add in a little extra flour. 
  • Break up into even sized balls of dough and place into muffin cases. Dust the top of each muffin with a bit of milk using a pastry brush then sprinkle some nuts over the top. 
  • Bake in the oven for 25 minutes. The top will go golden brown quite quickly- this does not mean it is cooked, it is just the result of the egg wash. 

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