Friday 12 September 2014

Courgette Rolls

This recipe came about when the Twin was trying to come up with low histamine starter ideas. Turns out that when you can't really eat bread, most cheese and basically every spice in the cupboard its pretty damn hard. Garlic bread: out. Deep fried Camembert: out. Prawn cocktail: out. Courgette rolls: in! Even better they're super cheap and easy to make but look quite quirky.

Courgette Rolls


  • 1 large courgette 
  • 1/2 ball of mozzarella 
  • Sprig of fresh basil leaves 


  • Top and tail the courgette then slice into very thin strips about 2cm wide, as in the photo above. 
  • Grill the courgettes on high for about 10-15 minutes until the tips of the courgette strips are starting to tinge slightly. Turn the courgette strips over halfway through. Meanwhile slice thin strips of mozzarella.
  • Take the courgette strips out from the grill then add the mozzarella onto the courgette strips as per the photo above. Don't go too overboard with the cheese as the strip needs to be able to roll up so you are looking to achieve a thin layer of melted cheese across about 3/4 of the courgette strip. 
  • Grill for approximately a further 5 minutes, until the cheese is sufficiently melted and has browned slightly. 
  • Sprinkle the basil leaves on top. Roll up and use cocktail sticks to secure. 

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